27-28 Oct 2022 Grenoble (France)

List of speakers and talks

  1. Renat Almeev, LUH, "An experimental homogenization of melt inclusions under fluid pressure" (20 minutes, on campus) - Session 4
  2. Nick Arndt, UGA, “Some thoughts about the formation of komatiites” - Session 2
  3. Matthias Bernet, ISTerre, Absolute dating of geological processes in the Western Alps (20 minutes, on campus) - Session 5
  4. Benoit Busser, CHU Grenoble, LIBS elemental imaging : a powerful tool for geology, but also for biology and medecine ! (20 minutes, on campus) - Session 5
  5. Sacha Chugunov, UGA, PhD Student,  "First data on Sr isotopes in melt inclusions in olivine from 3.3 Ga Barberton komatiites:  evidence for depleted source of primary komatiite melt and its near-surface contamination" (20 minutes, on campus)-Session 1
  6. Julius Eberhard, MEET PhD student, PIK,  First steps toward linking climate models with landscape-evolution and geodynamic models ,(20 minutes, on campus) - session 3
  7. Georg Feulner, MEET, PIK, "The effects of plate tectonics on Earth’s climate – an overview", (40 minutes, online) - Session 3
  8. Claude Herzberg, Rutgers University, “The thermal properties of ambient mantle and mantle plumes through time. (online, 40 min) -Session 3
  9. Charitra Jain, GFZ, Continent formation and evolution of plate tectonics in global models with composite rheology (20 min) 
  10. Charbel Kazzy,UGA, PhD student, New data on petrology and geochemistry of Song Da komatiites from study of melt inclusions and host olivines (20 minutes, on campus)- Session 2
  11. Jean-Robert Petit, (jean-robert.petit@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr) IGE, UGA Title  J.R Petit, V. Batanova, J Savarino "Volcanic source identification from their long-range transported micron-size crypto-tephra preserved in Antarctic ice cores" (20 minutes-online) - Session 5.
  12. Philippe Roux, ISTerre direction, Welcome on Friday Afternnon (5 minutes,on campus) - Session 5
  13. Kei Shimizu, MSN, Postdoc,  “Pressure-Temperature-Composition-Time (P-T-X-t) constraints from melt inclusions in zircons: application to the Laguna del Maule volcanic field, southern Andes”, (on campus, 20 minutes)
  14. Alexander Sobolev, MEET PI,"Project MEET: what we planned, what we did and what we think to do" (on campus, 40 minutes) - Session 1 + International project "Monitoring Earth Evolution through Time" (MEET) and its microanalytical platform in Grenoble, France (on  campus, 20 minutes) - Session 5
  15. Stephan Sobolev, MEET PI, Models of Hadean tectonics and the origin and development of plate tectonics from Archean to present (40min, on campus) - Session 1  + Title to be announced session 5
  16. Emilie Thomassot, 
    S-isotopes as robust tracers of Archean supracrustal recycling
    (20 minutes on campus)- Session 4
  17. Paul Tackley, external collaborators, “Modelling the thermo-chemical evolution of Earth’s mantle” (40 minutes  online) - Session 3
  18. John Valley, MEET PI, MSN, “Zircons through Time”, (40 minutes, on campus)- Session 1 & 5
  19. Adrien Vezinet, UGA, Postdoc, "Past and current views of crustal growth models, a critical evaluation" (20 minutes, on campus)

Videos are online:


Alexander Sobolev  https://videos.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/video/25344-meet-talk-1/ 
John Valley https://videos.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/video/25371-meet-talk-2/ 
Stephan Sobolev https://videos.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/video/25372-meet-talk-3/ 
Charitra Jain https://videos.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/video/25373-meet-talk-4/
Sasha Chugunov https://videos.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/video/25375-meet-talk-5/ 
Adrien Vezinet https://videos.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/video/25377-meet-talk-6/
Claude Herzberg https://videos.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/video/25386-meet-talk-7/ 
Nick Arndt https://videos.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/video/25388-meet-talk-8/
Charbel Kazzy https://videos.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/video/25389-meet-talk-9/
Paul Tackley https://videos.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/video/25403-meet-talk-10/ 
Georg Feulner https://videos.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/video/25404-meet-talk-11/
Julius Eberhard https://videos.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/video/25421-meet-talk-12/ 
Emilie Thomassot https://videos.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/video/25424-meet-talk-13/
Kei Shimizu https://videos.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/video/25430-meet-talk-14/
Renat Almeev https://videos.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/video/25455-meet-talk-15/

Jean-Robert Petit https://videos.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/video/25473-meet-talk-18/




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